Product Name | Application |
ACTICIDE® 14Concentrated solution of CIT and MIT, bivalent metal salt stabilised |
Wet state protection of aqueous formulations Industrial water treatment Formulation of preservative products |
ACTICIDE® MV 14Concentrated formulation of CIT/MIT |
Wet state protection of aqueous formulations Industrial water treatment Formulation of preservative products |
ACTICIDE® MVWater borne CIT/MIT formulation, bivalent metal free |
Formulations incompatible with bivalent metals, e.g. urethane/styrene acrylic emulsions and other polymer emulsions |
DBNPA Based |
Product | Application |
ACTICIDE® DLG 2A formulation of CIT/MIT, Bronopol and DBNPA |
Broad spectrum combination biocide Wet state preservation of aqueous systems Slimicide in paper production |
ACTICIDE® DB 2020% 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide (DBNPA) |
Pulp and paper mill process waters, cooling towers, heat exchangers and air-conditioning systems Short term protection of industrial products such as polymer dispersions, pigment and mineral slurries and wax dispersions Sterilant in plant hygiene improvement programmes |
QAC Types |
Product | Application |
ACTICIDE® BAC 5050% benzalkonium chloride |
Preparation of disinfectants and hard surface cleaners Plant cleaning and sterilisation |
ACTICIDE® DDQ 5050% di-n-decyldimethylammoniumchloride |
Timber preservation formulations, disinfectants, cleaners and sterilant products Production of fungicidal/algal washes |
Isothiazolinone combinations |
Product | Application |
ACTICIDE® LA familyCombination of CIT/MIT and Bronopol |
For aqueous, formaldehyde and bivalent metal ion sensitive systems |
ACTICIDE® MBS familyWater borne formulations of MIT/BIT |
AOX, CIT and VOC free biocide Wet state protection of water based formaldehyde sensitive products US EPA Registration No. 67071-29 |
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