THOR's biocides provide safe and effective protection against the microbiological spoilage of a wide variety of products.
We specialise in the production and formulation of biocides based on own manufactured actives

Please click the Biocide application buttons below for product details.



Our main expertise lies in the production and formulation of standard and customised biocides based on own manufactured actives including isothiazolinones (available from three major Thor sites), formaldehyde donors and IPBC. A range of quaternary ammonium compounds is also amongst Thor manufactured biocides marketed under the international trademark ACTICIDE®. These biocides prevent the biodeterioration of products both in their wet/fluid, dry/cured and intermediate states.


Thor has pioneered the development of protection technology for biocides for dry film applications. The result of many years of progress has resulted in Thor AMME(Advanced Micro Matrix Embedding). This novel technology has enabled the creation of a new generation of dry film biocides with a wide range of benefits.

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